Monday, March 30, 2009


  • Countries Visited: 3 (Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua)
  • Children I Served: 40 hearing screenings, 11 children with autism, 1 hearing impaired child already diagnosed, 1 child with down syndrome, 2 children with developmental apraxia, and 4 children with various syndromes. Another group completed hearing screenings on at least 80 children:)
  • Progress made: 38 children newly referred for hearing loss, 9 children with articulation improvements, 11 children working on imaginary play and parents working on improving play practices at home to facilitate cognitive function (thanks to Dr. Cyndi Randall for your advice on RDI treatment for children with autism), increased communication for 1 hearing impaired child using total communication, and 18 children now working on sensory integration techniques with their parents.
  • Days of fun aside from volunteering: 3 total- one day on a beach, one visiting a volcano, and one on a coffee tour.
  • Total days of volunteering: 18 days
  • New friends: 26 parents, 3 doctors, and 8 other professionals.
  • Last comment: I am tired but rejuvenated at the same time:)
  • Value of Trip: PRICELESS!!!!!

PS- More pics will be posted soon:)


  1. Hey Boover,

    Our reunion in May 2. I was talked into going so if you are in town I want you to go.
