Saturday, March 14, 2009

Okay's been crazy!!! I am so exhausted! Pictures to come tonight. The autism clinic I am working in is great. The kids are receptive as well as the parents. The other therapists (they are psychology graduates here) are maliable and ask many questions. Most of the parents needed advice on sensory stimulation. Some kids are talking better...yay!!! Really need some audiology folks to join me next time...hint. hint. There are so many needs. There is also a Deaf school. How can I entice you? I went to "Barcelona" restaurant last night, and the food was delicious with a fabulous view of the ocean. My host family lives on the beach, and I saw whales for the first time in my life!!!! Is that enticing enough? Not to mention, this work is rewarding! Two families drove four hours round-trip just to receive therapy for three days straight! So, when are you all coming? Oh and BTW- feel free to add your name to the blog, so you can post messages. My hotmail account is getting full of messages with your responses and none on here. LOL! Don't be afraid to blog!

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